Monday, March 31, 2014

Garry Landreth

What is the most important about children can be learned only from children.
 -  Garry Landreth

Garry Landreth is known world-wide for his Child Centered Play Therapy. Landreth defines play therapy as -
"A dynamic interpersonal relationship between a child and a therapist who provides selected play materials and facilitates the development of a safe relationship for the child to fully express and explore self ( feelings, thoughts, experiences and behaviors) through play, the child's natural medium of communication, for optimal growth and development."

This theory is based on the basic principal that a child is a person, who given a safe environment and opportunity always drives towards self-actualization. The child's behavior must be understood through his phenomenal field; child's experiences, feelings and thoughts. The therapist provides warm and caring relationship which is non-judgmental. The therapist accepts the child as is. History of the problem, diagnosis and goals are not important in the child-centered play therapy. The focus is on the child and the child always leads the way.

Objectives of the child-centered play therapy-
To help the child
  1. Develop a more positive self-concept
  2. Assume greater self-responsibility
  3. Become more self-directing
  4. Become more self-accepting
  5. Become more self-reliant
  6. Engage in self-determined decision making
  7. Experience a feeling of control
  8. Become sensitive to the process of coping
  9. Develop an internal source of evaluation
  10. Become more trusting of self

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